Friday, April 18, 2008

Well, it finally happened.  Yesterday, to be exact.  I finally had my "meltdown".  Anyone who knows me knows that I'm prone to having these every so often.  Last semester I had about one every other week.  But this semester, I've been doing great.  Husband agreed that yesterday was really the first one (he even told me it was okay to melt down - I love validation!).  You know what did it?  Okay, besides extreme exhaustion...I got a phone message from someone that I had promised send something to.  Now, this is a person that I love very much and would do just about anything for.  But somehow, that reminder call just pushed me over the edge (not this person's fault at all).  I suddenly felt overwhelmed not only by the load of papers I have due next week, but by the constant excuses I'm giving people, the daily apologies for letting someone down or forgetting about some appointment I made or even - a child I forgot to pick up from school! The next thing you know, I'm driving East on I-70 bawling hysterically into the phone.

So, at this point I think I just need to send out a form letter.  It will make me feel so much better.

Dear Friends,

It's been such a long time since we've been able to sit down and catch up.  I think of you so often, and I pray for you daily.  I almost picked up the phone to call you today, but got distracted by something and the window of time slipped away from me.  I know that you watched my kids last, had us over for dinner last, picked up my son from pre-school last, called me last, e-mailed me last, sent the last Christmas card, and numerous other things.  Please know that my lack of response has absolutely nothing to do with the depth of our friendship. Thank you for continuing to call me and for always telling me "it's okay" and thank you for saying you understand.  If you're ever in doubt whether I value our friendship, please know I do.  Please assume that I'm missing you as much as you miss me.  Know that I don't think, for even one second, that I have more going on than you (so many people say that to me), it's just different kinds of things.  Most of all, thank you for your unconditional love and friendship and your prayers.  These are the things that give me the most encouragement.


1 comment:

Laurel said...

Dear Jen,

Meltdowns are allowed (or at least I hope so because I have them, too.) When you are burning the candle at both ends things are going to fall through the cracks. Good friends will understand. I do, anyway, and I'm sending you lots of good thoughts and prayers of support. Keep hangin' in.