While I was on the phone with our health insurance company today, I heard a blood-
curdling scream come from the front yard, where I knew the boys were playing. It was more than the typical screams that can result from one brother taking the other brother's bike, so I ran outside. At the end of the driveway, right by the curb, I saw Connor splayed out with his bike lying on top of him. My immediate thought was that somehow a car must have hit him, and my heart went up into my throat. Upon closer inspection, what I found was a little boy with his leg stuck in a very strange place:

And I mean, it was
stuck! No amount of turning or twisting would get it out. Fortunately, our neighbor was home and had rushed over when he heard Connor scream. He ended up having to take off the training wheels, remove the chain, and rotate the pedals backwards after which the little ankle slipped out quite easily. The whole ordeal took about 15 minutes, at least half of which Connor spent blasting out my eardrum as I tried to calm him.

Thank goodness for neighbors! This is one I would not have been able to figure out myself (I was lobbying for removing the pedal, but I think it would have been harder).
Next on the docket? Calling the insurance company back and waiting on hold -
1 comment:
oh man, poor connor! when i read this i had a very clear vision of you!
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