Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School

Yes, yesterday was the first day of school. Yes, I promised photos to Gramma in New Jersey, and Grandpa in California. And yes, I've lost the downloading cable; so I have some really cute photos and no way to post them.

The first day of school was a raging success, with both boys bouncing out of bed instantly and getting dressed in a flash (a very big deal for Connor, who quickly reverted to his Monster-in-the-Morning self today). It went something like this:

1. I cried myself to sleep the night before, in disbelief that my baby was going to school all day.

2. Husband was somehow emotionally crippled and unable to offer me any comfort.

3. Left the house on time - got to school on time (a very big deal, and don't worry, I slipped right back into our usual lateness this morning)

4. Connor went to his room with no fuss, and showing very little fear. He hugged me (but not as long as I would have liked), and kissed me goodbye.

5. Kirby lined up with his class before I could even get a goodbye kiss. I had to track him down in his classroom and take a clandestine photo of him sitting at his big 1st grader desk.

6. I spent the day in pure disbelief that it was a day all to myself. I kept saying "What did my mom do?", and then trying things I think she did when we were at school...like laundry, dishes, talking on the phone - even a nap. What a day!

7. I picked up two happy, hungry, smiling, exhausted kids. Kirby said his favorite part of the day was "the whole first day of school". Connor said his day was "Totally awesome!" He's singing quite a different tune about school than last year - and I must say it makes us happy!

Tomorrow, I have lunch with my sister, who is on the last couple of weeks of maternity leave. We're going to have a long, leisurely lunch and catch up with lots of girl talk. You can do things like that when you don't have a job!

Guess I should enjoy this next four months huh? Pretty soon my days will be more full than I dare imagine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when i read line # 2 all my coffee came shooting out of my mouth! so funny! the coffee in all my keys, not so funny. i am still smiling, that made my day!