Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Last Days of Summer

Yesterday was one of those great, do-nothing kind of days, of which we've had far too few. I was dragging and didn't even get dressed until 9:45am (at which point the boys asked me when I was going to get dressed). The fact that the boys rejoiced when I told them we had nothing to do until 4pm is a definite indicator that we do too much, in general. I also noticed that, as can be expected, the boys got along great and there was virtually no whining or crying because I played with them for much of the day. While I can't do that every day, I'm glad we were able to have one day like this right before school starts.

Something had to happen to break up the wrestling
(which I'm not sure I'll ever be entirely used t

Sending the boys up to clean their room can always be dicey. Somehow it usually degenerates...

Connor comes down the stairs looking like
The Skipper and singing "The Ants Go Marching One by One"
(opera style)

Who knows??? I thought I had thrown these things away!!!

All our chores were done, so we relaxed with a game of Go Fish:

Kirby contemplates his next move

Connor contemplates telling us every single card in his hand

And so, watching a lightning storm, eating tomato soup and discussing the upcoming school year, it was easy to believe that the chaos which would ensue later in the evening (during our trip to Costco) was just a bad dream.

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