Saturday, August 22, 2009

Two Years (Just A Piece of Life's Journey)

It recently dawned on me that I started blogging two years ago this month, at the start of my program. This morning, cup of tea in hand, I pulled that first entry and re-read it. Oh how glad I am to be where I am today! I titled this blog "One Mom's Journey" because I felt a sense of embarking on a journey - heading down a new path. But, at that time, it was hard to imagine the twists and turns that my path would take even in those two years.

I know that I was certain that I would be teaching by now. Who could have foreseen that we would be expecting a new baby? Certainly not me! Reading my first post, it easy to see how much I was grieving for a life that I had loved (staying home with our children). My mom recently pointed out to me, that had I known then that our two years of sacrifice and hard work would be rewarded with this upcoming year - a year which I now think of as "the gift year" - I might have felt much better going in. I was scared and happy, excited and sad (frankly, I was all over the place!). Looking back, it's so easy to see that the Lord has carried us gently down His path. Though it has been a time rife with anxiety, and I cried many tears (and suffered a few meltdowns) there has also been much joy and much personal growth - not just for me, but for the boys and Husband too. And, I can see how our marriage has been strengthened by our need to be a highly evolved team.

I always wondered if the blog title would be appropriate once I finished with school. I can see now that it is. Everyone knows that life itself is a journey. I've learned a lot, but I'll never be done. Actually, I like John Michael Montgomery's way of putting it...

"Life's a dance, learn as you go
sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.
Don't worry about what you don't know.
Life's a dance, learn as you go."

Husband can vouch for how much I like to lead on the dance floor. What I've learned over the past two years is how much of a joy life can be when I stop - and follow.


Laurel said...

Two years??? How can that be? I remember with such clarity your early posts and how happy I was to be able to hear your voice again on a weekly basis. You must know that your blog is one of the first one's I check in the morning. How I love you, my friend! And I love this post. How very true. xoxo

nikki said...

i agree with the above, the more windows into your life the better. how i love calling you my friend.