Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Random Thoughts and Crazy Kids

Oh have no idea how many postings I've started in my head over the past week. That's just the problem - they don't get out of my head and actually into the computer. The reason is because I lack any and all motivation right now. Somehow, I've miraculously completed all Christmas shopping and wrapping, but I've completely plateaued!

Kirby was born almost three weeks early and Connor was born 12 days early. For this pregnancy, 12 days early would have been yesterday. Still, no sign at all of this little guy wanting to come early. I mean yes, I have been 1 cm dilated for the past two weeks, and yes I'm having contractions, but nothing regular. I'm starting to worry that this is going to be the kid who never wants to leave home. He seems pretty content just hanging out where he is.

The boys are beside themselves with anticipation, and we've got a stocking up for our new little Christmas baby. It's amazing how full our railing now looks with 5 stockings. After I got them all in place, Husband and I stood back and just admired them; he had a huge smile and a look of pride on his face that melted my heart.

Speaking of the boys...are anybody else's kids acting kind of crazy? Ours have been quite hyper lately and pretty fresh. I'd like to think it's the excitement over the upcoming Christmas break. I hope it's not all for the baby, because I fear what may become of their behavior once he's here and my reinforcements (that would be my mother- and father-in-law, who just got here yesterday) go home!

Could this blog post be more disjointed? I think that in the interest of my own pride, I should sign off before I launch into any more random thoughts. Perhaps the next time I blog, I'll have a new little baby. Let's hope!


Becky said...

I am so excited for the Federockos! Keep us all posted...somehow. I MUST know what is happening!!!

Laurel said...

I keep thinking of you. It had been so long since you had posted that I was SURE you had had the baby. And how you have completed the shopping and the wrapping I will never know. Super woman!

As for the kids: I know exactly what that is all about. I call it Christmas Crack. My kids are taking it too.

Good luck, my friend. Can't wait to meet the newest Federocko...when he decides to make an appearance. xoxo