Friday, April 9, 2010

My First Week

Being back at work has reminded me that there are two feelings that nothing in the world can compare with:
  1. The completely overwhelming feeling of starting a new job
  2. The way my heart flutters when I get my first glimpse of Gavin at the end of the day. It reminds me that mommies and babies really were made to be together!
The week has been full of ups and downs. I've spent not a little time wondering what in the world I was thinking taking a math position. The hour and forty minutes that I spend in middle school algebra classes each day can feel like an eternity. There is nothing that will diminish one's confidence more quickly than the look of an 8th grader who needs help, but finds the teacher has no clue! Fortunately, I've found that I'm able to give support in about 75% of the material being covered in the algebra classes. I focus on what I do know, and let the teacher cover the rest.

My day is spent working with 10 different groups of kids, ranging in size from 2 to 7 students and ranging in age from 1st to 8th grade. I love the elementary school groups that I work with. I have to confess that I already have favorites. One of the them is the little 3rd grader who is a roly-poly guy with a speech impediment. When I probed him about how he spent his spring break, he just really couldn't tell me. "I don't remember!" he said. Upon further questioning, I discovered that he spent his spring break, "Getting my dad beewr fwom the gawage". Obviously, there are no secrets for this little guy, who also frequently gives updates on his gastrointestinal functions!

I welcome the weekend and a chance to focus on things that are more fun; like Ollie's 2nd birthday! Tonight I'll be making a choo-choo train cake. It will be nice to do something that I feel competent doing!

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