Monday, June 21, 2010

Greetings from the Jersey Shore!

Hello from the northern tip of the Jersey Shore! Our fifth day of vacation found Stephen and I touring Long Beach Island with his parents and Gavin, as Kirby and Connor spent the day in Pennsylvania having fun with Auntie Chris and their cousins Zach and Chase. Today Husband and I climbed 217 steps to the top of a lighthouse for a breathtaking view. It's amazing to me how much beauty there is in this country. I happen to think Colorado and it's mountains are amazing, but I would put the view from the Barnegat Lighthouse up against the mountains any day! We capped off our drive with a fabulous seafood dinner in Point Pleasant and a walk along the boardwalk, where we assured Stephen's parents that if they'd just sell their house and move into one of the little houses on the boardwalk, we'll visit them every single year! (They didn't go for it)

We always come with our list of "musts" and we've actually made our way a few of them so far:

1) Day at the beach

2) Pizza at Pete and Elda's (best in the whole wide world!)

3) Hot dogs at the Windmill

We also got to spend a day with about 40 close friends and family members, when my mother- and father-in-law hosted a bbq on Saturday. This means so much to us, as it gives us a chance to catch up with a lot of people all at once. The boys had a blast playing baseball and having water fights with their cousins and friends.

Tomorrow will find us at Sesame Place. I'll be sure to say hi to Elmo for all of you. Can you believe the fuzzy little guy is 30 this year? It's hard enough to wake up one day and realize that you're older than almost every professional athlete and musician, and most popular actors, but to find out that I'm also older than Elmo is like adding insult to injury! I'm especially excited to walk around in my swimming suit all day tomorrow sporting my extra 20. Good times!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Have fun with Elmo! I know the boys are excited. I heard more than once that you would be visiting Sesame Place. I miss those sweet Federocko boys! They did my heart good...even Stephen!