And talk we did. You would think that we might run out of things to discuss after staying up until 3am three nights in a row, but we never did. In fact, we never turned on the TV; never even left the condo. I don't remember everything we talked about, but I feel confident that we covered anything that was of any importance whatsoever, and many things that were of no importance at all. Here's the thing: these women are my soul mates. They know everything there is to know about me, and they love me because of (not in spite of) my many quirks. Not a few longstanding inside jokes were cracked open and dusted off. Stories were rehashed, memories revisited, and many new memories and inside jokes created. I haven't laughed so hard since I-don't-know-when. I think it also goes without saying that I haven't stayed up so late three nights in a row in longer than I can remember - possibly ever!These women are amazing. They are strong, beautiful, faith-filled, funny women. They are women of character who relish their roles as wives and mothers as much as they cherish the experiences that have made them who they are today. What brought us together was music; we met while performing in a musical theater troupe in college. What keeps us together is a passion for life and our families. When I am with these women I feel whole, loved, and beautiful. I do not know how to express it any other way.
While I can't say that I'm rested, I feel thoroughly refreshed and at peace. We have decided to make this an annual trip, and I am already counting down the months until next June, when we will reconvene in Houston.
Some scenes from the trip:

It was an amazing for my soul. You are all my dear sisters. I can't wait to see you again.
Love you!
I have no proper words to describe how fantastic the weekend was. It was truly a gift! I love you all so much!
p.s. Grrrr to the picture of me on the top. I have to work on correct posture for pictures!
maybe this is what friendship really is...thinking about the next time of being together. Thank you for including me in the after means more then you know...all of you! How lucky we are! Shayne
I love you! I don't need to tell you how soul-refreshing this trip was. But I'm missing you all like crazy. Unlike you, I have not yet blogged about it, because I haven't found the words to do it justice. Thank you a million times over. xoxoxoxo
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