Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Let's Get Fit

As I write this, Kirby is downstairs watching the most unlikely of all TV programs..."Sit and Be Fit" (on PBS). Husband went downstairs and found him lying on the couch watching this most captivating program and asked, "Kirby what are you watching?"

"Exercising", Kirby replied.

"Why aren't you doing the exercises?" Husband asked.

"I'm learning them so I can do them later."

After taking his shower, Husband went back downstairs, assuming Kirby would have lost interest in the chair fitness program.

"Kirby, you still watching exercising?"

"Still learning", Kirby said.

This is a classic example of why I shielded him from the remote control for so long. I'm just glad it's chair fitness!Sit and Be Fit
Let's just take a gander at her hair.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Hey, I'm with Kirby. That's how I participate in exercise shows, too!

And for your agita: Who can blame you? Yikes! But I'll say this; I never spent nearly the amount of time on my studies in college that the professors thought I should. ;)

Your email was so nice. I am considering doing some writing. We'll see. Thanks for the encouragement. I need that!